Sad child
Dying angel
Waves of beauty
Young man
Died butterfly
End of childhood
The prisoner of existence
Dying angel
Born of ego
A boy
Black sweeter
Lost childhood dream
The flower of giant
Long hair boy
Big black scarf
The last candles were lit by angels for us?
Girl in the shadow
Awakening of a fool
The dying angel of nature
Little lady of my soul
The man who lost in his memories
Little girl with cat
Touch the infinite
Can we see the world across others' eyes
Waiting for walk
The ball of fool
Éda Gyenis: Man who lives in prison of memories
Whom mothers pray with tears
why do they kill the dreams of children
Boy who wait for spring
Blooming in the darkness
Do we know what we do? (tears for Australia)
Freckled girl with little bird
Waves of freedom
Spotted pillow
The question
Look-back girl
Star viewers
The crown of infinite human stupidity
Blue butterfly
Why do we kill stars in others' eyes?
Flowers' lights
When the trees are blooming in heaven..
Disappearing smile