Luis Jacinto Argumedes, artist
Self portrait
Guardians of the sun and water melons
The dream and the sleep
The moon between day and night
Baroque sky
Fish to the moon
Time and patience
At the edge of a dream
Panama paper flowers
Door and window towards dreams
Landscape with window, clouds and water melons
Flight of the night over a sleeping city
Wave, window and skin
Violeta on the beach balcony
There's a path between the two of us
My elder brothers
Two neighbours at the gate of night time
The moon's prisoner
Caught between two waves
The boss and his escorts
Blue moon spell
The four winds
The secret of the three horizons
Come and live with me
Day and night on the same beach
A circus at the beach #1
A circus at the beach #2
A circus at the beach #3
The face of fear
Fruits in a corner
Open heart operation
Diptych of the big water melon