Artwork Description

Fishing 76 cm x 76 cm x 4 cm Oils on canvas

0.0 x 0.0

Fishing Are you always fishing, for a catch to land? A continual form of wishing, unaware it’s on the sand. All the fish you require, lives in your inner sea. Every species you desire, is available and absolutely free. You are the destination, where you cast your line. What often ends in frustration, wanting everything to be fine. Convert your fishing tool, and propel your line inside. Unlatch your reels inner spool, to where the real fish reside. Abundance is your inner ocean, that contains every wave. Perpetual expansion in motion, fulfilment on what you crave. Casting your line within, will bring what you need. The place where you only win, once you begin to concede. Your greatest ever catch, swims inside of you. The fish and you match, in a oneness that is true. Baz Salmon 16.10.2018

Artwork Details

