by Francesca Busca

Artwork Description


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2016. Ceramic, glass, shells, beads, metal, cork, coins and mirror on wooden board, direct method (30.5 x 40.6cm). I have been living in London as a EU citizen for 17 years. I come from Italy, yet I feel more British than most. I speak with little if no accent, thanks to my British friends. I took the citizenship test a few years ago, ready to apply for a UK passport. In view of the Brexit referendum, I felt very anxious about the increasing signs of intolerance around the world and the possibility of Brexit. I felt compelled to let this anxiety out by sending a message of unity and tolerance by as many means as possible. It did not work; I felt like I lost my home overnight, and quite angry both at how misled the campaign to leave seemed to be (in such a democratic country!!!) and how understated it possibly was within the London bubble. Moreover, my worry is not about my legal status, but also about the cultural impoverishment (at least because of the end of lots of EU funds and exchanges on education and research) the UK now faces. Nevertheless, I still love this Country - so I try to take it with humour (which is another 'great British feature') and send out a message of peace.

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