Evelyne Janssens

Evelyne Janssens

About The Artist

Nee à Leuven, Belgium Mon grand-pere m'a conseillé de m'insrire à l'academie des arts , ce que je n'ai jamais fait. Le frere de mon grand-pere etait un artiste peintre de métier ,il a ete à l'ecole avec Hergé à st Luc. Mon parrain a fait academie art, apres avoir obtenu son diplome il avait la possibilité de travailler pour Hergé, ce qu'il a refusé car il etait interessé ds les portraits et modeles. J'ai commencé à dessiner et a peindre en 2011 autodidacte. En 2013, j'ai fait un burn out, j'ai commence à utiliser la peinture acrylique, Born in Leuven, Belgium My grandfather advised me to enroll in the arts academy, which I never did. My grandfather's brother was a painter by trade, he went to school with Hergé in St Luc. My godfather went to art academy, after having obtained his diploma he had the possibility of working for Hergé, which he refused because he was interested in portraits and models. I started to draw and paint in 2011 as an autodidact. In 2013, I burned out, I started to use acrylic paint,