by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

A Swirl of Roses

0.0 x 0.0

25" high x 15" wide oil on canvas "Swirl of Roses" - I've never outgrown my childhood habit of looking up into the sky and imagining forms and shapes in the clouds. A "Swirl of Roses" was one of those moments. A beautiful day with soft puffy clouds and a big imagination. A perfect recipe for dreaming up "stuff" for my art work. That's how "Swirl of Roses" evolved. My family always remarks that my "head is in the clouds", and will occasionally say, "come down to earth"; but if I did, then I wouldn't be able to create! My best ideas come as I stumble through life imagining shapes in the sky, the landscape, etc. Everything looks like something else to me. In my art studio I recreate (with embellishment) my various memories.

Artwork Details

