by Ione Citrin

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17 1/2" high x 8" wide x 6" deep bronze sculpture Hunter left home for the "Great Beyond/The Land of Milk & Honey", otherwise known as Hollywood, when she was only 17. She wanted to be in the movies, she wanted to be a star, she wanted fame and fortune, she wanted to be recognized as a great beauty and a marvelous talent. She got as far as the chorus line in a Las Vegas review called "Dominatrix". But Hunter was thrilled to get this gig. She wasn't a great dancer, but somehow made it through the auditions to be a line dancer in a show with an unlimited run in Las Vegas. Her dream was to dance the lead role in the show. She never made the leading role, but stuck it out in the chorus, learning a lot from her experiences in "Vegas". When the review ended she went back to Hollywood; she got a waitress job in a local coffee shop and joined the ranks of the "hopefuls" in their quest for anything that would bring them into "movieland" and all the goodies that went with it. Did she succeed? That's for you to decide.

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