by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Country Road

0.0 x 0.0

24" x 26" oil on canvas The beauty of the sun filtering through the fall trees made Jolene pause. She rolled her car to a stop and drank in the lovely scene. Deciding to take some pictures, she began shooting from the window of her car. She took all her photographs through the window of her car. It was too difficult for her to get out and walk on an unpaved area with prosthetic legs. She wasn't entirely used to them yet. It was frustrating shooting film this way. She couldn't get as many different angles as she would have liked, but she "made do", as always. Some of the photographs were quite pretty, and she would print them out as note cards on her computer. They became gifts and trade-offs with her friends. It was no panacea, but it kept her busy. Kept her mind off the "accident" that took the life of her family along with her legs. Clicking away, she sighed. She felt exhausted from the few hours of touring around and taking photographs. She needed her medicine and a nap, and began her struggle home.

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