Marco Guglielmi
NOVEMBER 06, 2017
ComPUSter is the new artistic work of Marco Guglielmi – ReImmortal. It’s a set of six works (not merely sculptures, but “Creatures”) going separately or together. ComPUSter implements the decomposition of both organic and mechanical matter, showing at the same time the obsolescence of materials and the obsolescence of minds, ideas and cultures. Old computers and proto-industrial machines joins the brand new computers in the same destiny: the inevitability of decline and oblivion. The language is between conceptual and “arte povera”, mixed with video and performing art. The importance of working on the body, the integration of organic animal materials (such as mice or oxen brains under resin) together with the use of new media expand the concept of ready-made to new and unexplored horizons.
BeDifferent Art Show: "A new kind of Beauty. Che forma ha la Bellezza"?
Marco Guglielmi
NOVEMBER 03, 2017