Krzysztof Heksel

Krzysztof Heksel

About The Artist

Krzysztof Heksel is a young, thirty-four-year-old painter from Wałbrzych (Lower Silesian District). He has been developing his talent from the earliest age and shared the passion for art with his father, who also had an artistic soul. The very first discoveries in Krzysztof’s journey of creativity were marked by pencil sketches, but he soon moved on to experiment with watercolor and acrylic painting, to finally explore the secrets of oil painting, which became his favorite technique. In the early years the artist was inspired by the works of authors such as Hieronymus Bosch, William Turner or Ivan Aivazovsky. But the turning point of Krzysztof’s artistic development was the moment he came across the works of a Polish painter - Zdzisław Beksiński. This artist has become the greatest inspiration and a true paragon of craftsmanship for Krzysztof Heksel. The latter has decided to utilize the glaze technique, which is very consuming but in return it rewards the artist with paintings that stand out because of their unusual depth and color effects. Unfortunately, these effects cannot be fully reflected in the photographs. All of the paintings can be classified as examples of either surrealism or magic realism. Exhibitions: 2017, marzec - "One Night One Art" - wystawa indywiduanle, Piaseczno, Art-Passion 2017, marzec – Impresje, Wałbrzych, Muzeum Porcelany, wystawa zbiorowa Związku Artystów Plastyków Oddziału Dolnośląskiego 2017 luty - "Metamorfoza", Gdańsk, Włocławek, Kołobrzeg, Wrocław - wystawa zbiorowa prac polskich artystów z nurtu surrealizmu i realizmu magiczneg. 2016, listopad – Flux Exhibition, Londyn, The Old Truman Brewery 2016, listopad – Malarstwo, Wałbrzych, Centrum Nauki i Sztuki Stara Kopalnia 2016, sierpień – Surrealistyczne światy Krzysztofa Heksla, Wrocław, Hala Stulecia – Polcon 2016, czerwiec – Wystawa Zbiorowa Artystów Dolnośląskiego Oddziału ZAP, Wałbrzych, Zamek Książ 2015, listopad – Malarstwo, Wrocław, Galeria Impart 2015, marzec – Wystawa Zbiorowa Artystów Dolnośląskiego Oddziału ZAP, Wałbrzych, Biblioteka „Pod Atlantami” 2015, luty – Na pograniczu światów…, Kłodzko, Parter KCKSIR 2014, listopad – Na pograniczu światów... , Boguszów Gorce, Centrum Kulturalno – Kongresowym „Witold” 2014, październik – Na pograniczu światów..., Ząbkowice Śląskie, Galeria Rotunda Centrum Kultury 2014, styczeń – Magiczne światy, Głuszyca, Galeria Centrum Kultury-MBP 2013, wrzesień – Inspiracje, Wałbrzych, Galeria na Piętrze, Katolickiego Stowarzyszenia Civitas Christiana