Louise Christensen

Louise Christensen

About The Artist

Louise Christensen, visual artist – Biography / artist statement. Louise Christensen Born in Denmark 1968. Lives and works in North Zealand, Denmark. I am a self-taught artist, has lived 10 years in Vienna and in Königstein im Taunus near Frankfurt am Main, where I started my work as a visual artist. Spring 2011 I chose to return to my home country Denmark, where I now live and work. The inspiration for my work comes to me from nature, reflections on life and dreams. I work mostly intuitively and the theme that concerns me the most, and is like a golden thread through my personal life, is the voltage and interaction between the earthly world and the heavenly world, with all that this implies . The materials I use are a mix of acrylic on canvas, natural materials such as flowers and plants, stone, sand, self-made art paper, my own photos, textiles, objects such as glasses, shoes, clothes, snakeskin - all that inspires me in my process. Trauma after a burning accident has made my life a living hell for several years, but I am slowly recovering and getting back to my creative world, which is a healing process in itself. I believe the trauma eventually will be able to bring me to new areas in my creativity and in my life. During recovery I have been blessed with invitations to exhibit my art works in international art locations throughout the world, among others Berlin, New York, Tokyo and London. The latest honour is an invitation to be a part of the permanent collection at European Art Museum, Denmark, founded by the world famous Danish artist and curator Leif Nielsen. I am very grateful – and getting back on track in my creative world with belief in the future. Thank you for visiting my universe With Joy and Love Louise www.louisechristensen.com Louise Christensen – visual artist – Resume/ Curriculum Vitae Born in Denmark 1968. Lives and works in North Zealand, Denmark. 2010 Group Show. City Hall, Königstein im Taunus, GERMANY 2011 Solo Show. Galleri Pialeh, Copenhagen, DENMARK 2011 Solo Show. Sankt Helene Center, Tisvildeleje, DENMARK 2011 Group Show. Rundetaarn, Copenhagen, DENMARK 2012 Solo Show. Gribskov Art Association, Helsinge, DENMARK 2012 Galleri Eros, Copenhagen, DENMARK 2012 Juried Artmoney exhibition. Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, DENMARK 2012 Solo Show. Ballerup Art Association, Skovlunde, DENMARK 2012 Group Show. Soelleroed Art Association, Holte, DENMARK 2014 Selected artist group show UNDERWORLD, Gallery MARZIA FROZEN Berlin, GERMANY. 2014 Group Show. Artmoney exhibition. Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, DENMARK 2015 Group Show. Artmoney exhibition. Galleri Art Expo, Hørning, DENMARK 2016 Artexpo New York, Pier 94, New York, USA. Invited by Basak Malone. 2016 The New Collectors Book, 5th Edition. Featuring and introducing 200+ select artists. Invited by Basak Malone. 2016 Tokyo International Art Fair, Omotesando Hills, Tokyo, JAPAN. Digital showcase. Invited by Global Art Agency, Covent Garden, Londen. 2016 International Award Casanova, Venice, ITALY 2016 Publication in the volume “The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists”, presentation at the Italian institute of Culture, Vienna, AUSTRIA 2016 Digital showcase, Carrousel du Louvre, Salon Art Shopping, Paris, FRANCE 2016 Group exhibition “Little Treasures”, De Marchi Gallery, Bologna, ITALY 2017 VIP ART ZONE, Biennale International, MEART, Palermo, ITALY 2017 Group exhibition “Art in Mind”, Brick Lane Gallery, London, UNITED KINGDOM 2017 International Award Dante Alighieri, Peschiera del Garda, ITALY 2017 International Modern Art Cannes Bienniale, FRANCE 2017 Group exhibition “Artists of the 21st. Century”, MAMAG Modern Museum, Castle Hubertendorf, AUSTRIA 2017 Art Basel, Digital showcase, Basel, SWITZERLAND. 2017 International Award Caravaggio, Rome, ITALY 2017 Selected artist group show, Bramente´s Halls, Rome, ITALY 2017 Art Santa Fe 2017, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Invited by Steidel Fine Art, USA 2017 Group exhibitions at Gallery Steidel Fine Art, Wimberly, Texas, USA. 2017 Group exhibition "Trevisan International Art", Gallery of the Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN 2017 Group exhibition “Little Treasures”, De Marchi Gallery, Bologna, ITALY 2017 Invitation to be a part of the permanent collection at European Art Museum, Denmark, founded by the world famous Danish artist and curator Leif Nielsen. 2018 Planned group exhibition, selected artists, AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY, Chelsea, New York, USA