Antonio Spanedda

Antonio Spanedda

About The Artist

Antonio Spanedda, born in Novara in 1961, graduated in visual arts and received his doctorate in Sacred Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti Brera (Fine Arts Academy) in Milan. From 2002 to 2004 he worked on a cycle of works in aluminum and steel made with innovative technological procedures. He created the piece “Un Uomo Giusto” (A Righteous Man) and presented it to the public on March 31, 2004 in the "Sacro Volto" Church in Milan. In 2005, he participated in a contemporary art exhibit called "Già e non ancora...”, a side event part of the Venice Biennale with he piece “Ambone, Casa della Parola” (Ambo, House of Words) which is permanently on display at the San Lio Church in Venice. In 2006, he painted a number of pieces dedicated to the "Anime Giuste” (righteous souls) for the Arte Cristiana Contemporanea project, the “libro sacro” (sacred book) for Sant'Orso on display at the Priory of Sant'Orso in Aosta and the reliquary for San Raimondo on permanent display at the Suore Cistercensi di Nazareth Church in Piacenza. In 2010, the artistic project IOTIAMO, which focuses on the idea of Love, was developed. He has received theatrical training at the C.I.T.A. Laboratory in Novara. In 1990, he took part in the "Festival & Festival" exhibition and presented his spray paint performance. In 1993, as an actor, he appeared on different television programs on national television and worked in the theater with Guido Gagliardi. With the intellectual and expressive Aurelio Gentile, he began a constructive and stable partnership through a series of exhibitions with installations, videos and locations not typical to the art world. In 1996, he founded the Argilla group which brings together the experiences of different authors and have developed artistic and theatrical performances. They've worked with the Stalker in Turin on several projects, including Michelangelo Pistoletto's Cittadellarte, the Festival of the Arts in Biella and the RAIII project, Rete d’Arte Internet Interdisciplinare Indipendente (Independent Interdisciplinary Internet Art Network). In 1998, he participated in the Civitavideo art video exhibit and in 1999, in the Dietikon Video Festival. He also took part in a visual art exhibit in Rome with Vettor Pisani, Giosetta Fioroni, Fabio Mauri and Luca Maria Patella. He has organized performances for the Argilla group in different cities: Piacenza, Varese, Milan, Borgosesia, Vercelli, Novara, Turin ... with "amore fraterno (brotherly love)", "lo spazio vissuto (living space)", "via crucis (way of the Cross)", "essere umani (human beings)" ... He designed and created a tv laboratory, a post-modern artistic adventure from which television programs have been developed. And he is also one of the founders of the ASC contemporarysacredart portal; the place where all world religions meet.