About The Artist

My name is Debra Jo Johnson, 66 years old, born in Chicago, Il. Family life consists of sharing a home with my daughter, son-in-law, plus a whole slew of “grandpets”. Moving to Arkansas over 30 years ago was a major culture shock for me. But, as I have lived her for most of my life, this has become home. My painting interest began when I was about 13 yrs old. As a young girl, I took classes at the Chicago Art Institute. Later I took classes at the Arkansas Arts Center Museum School and have attended various workshops. My passion is to paint. I find my heart goes to portraits of animals, people and birds. Recently, I have been exploring abstract painting. At first I learned to paint with oils, but I found the ease in working with acrylics and watercolor to be preferable. Over the years, I focused mostly on a career and my family. Now I have the luxury to explore and study art. I have found another passion is to teach. As I tutor several young students, I am able to dig deeper into art while, at the same time, being able to learn along with them: Many times I learn from them! I really enjoy the gratification of watching these young artists grow in their ability to paint. Now I have time to enjoy the fellowship of learning and painting along other artists! As a member of the Art Association of Central Arkansas and the Mid-South Watercolorists, it is my passion to promote art for the youth in our area in addition to the adult artists. Both of these organizations offer many opportunities and I hope to be part of their growth in our area.