Adelia Clavien

Adelia Clavien

About The Artist

Adélia Clavien from Miège (VS) is born in Portugal, has been living in Switzerland since 1981, and lives in Trélex. Although she spent a long time among the artistic community in Valais, she attended her first painting courses and started photography in St Gall where she lived 10 during years. Curious and passionate, Adélia has been fascinated by Arts since she was young and has been working in the IT domain for over 20 years. As an artist, she works in an autodidactic and passionate manner. She explores various painting technics (acrylic, photo-acrylic, vitrail etc) and use her knowledge of photography to created original paintings mixed with photography – New Pop Realism. The various presented themes allow us to escape in a colored and mysterious universe – Adelia’s universe. Adelia works part-time in order to have more time for her artistic activities (photography, painting, music, dancing). Self-educated, she is multitalented, speaks several languages, plays several music instruments, is comfortable with the new technology, and is a naturally open person. Please feel free to have a look at her personal website (