Anastasia Gavrilova

Anastasia Gavrilova

About The Artist

An artist, designer and creator, holder of international awards, regular participant of international exhibitions. Studied at artistic gymnasium in Rostov-on-Don. Graduated from the Institute of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University in 2010. Later got additional education in British Higher School of Art and Design and RANEPA . Since 2011 Anastasia lives and works in Moscow, Russia. She founded a laboratory of innovative design “A.R.Novate” with her husband in 2012. Fine art is an important aspect of Anastasia’s creative activity. In abstract painting she combines experiments with materials, techniques and a special creative approach. «When working on paintings, I am trying to transfer everything that is going on inside me on a canvas. In most cases I am painting without sketches to save these emotions that induced me to creative activities. It’s fundamental for me to transfer this energetic stream that appears inside me as a result of certain situation – indignation, joy, etc. Thanks to these feelings I am implementing the true meaning – that makes my artwork sincere and truthful. It’s impossible to play the emotions, you can only experience it. I am experiencing it on canvas. I am inspired by both joyful moments – love and delivery of a child, and protest against certain social situations, which take place in the world: replacement of true values by material things; surfeit of information streams, that make human development worse and don’t let him follow his heart; fault goals, formed by social racing etc. In my opinion, the real emotion vitalizes the painting, fill it with energy, and the sense, that I involve in a painting, reflects my outlook, my philosophy of life. »