Manuel Riera Duran Mildan

Mildan pintor Tiene o no caracter pintorico? Para definir si un artista configura un lenguaje es pertinente en primer lugar indagar la fuente de la cual bebe . Inmediatamente denota una gran influencia de Marc Chagall y de Hector Poleo lo cual siempre tendra como referente la figura humana Eso Le da cierto caracter a su obra ademas del aporte que Mildan le agrega con el tema de las transparencias. La aficcion del maestro por la escuela magnetica Joaquin Trincado lo acerca a un pozo de reflexion filosofica sobre el hombre y El trascedente siempre presentes en su obra . El otro aspecto determinante es la produccion prolifica y exclusiva a lo largo del tiempo , lo cual caracterizo al maestro Mildan. El otro aspecto es su originalidad o la personalidad que se configura o lo que comumente llamamos : sello personal Una obra del Maestro Mildan es sin lugar a dudas muy caracteristica o propia . Otra caracteristica es la investigacion o la insistencia del artista por descubrir alternativas en la produccion. Es sabido por cercanos que el maestro Mildan producia sus propios pigmentos para pintar y su afan por obtener nuevos colores con sello propio Influyo? Genero escuela? Es otro topico que ayuda a sospechar del alcance del artista y su lenguaje . Tal vez ....en Tovar donde vivio por 50 años y luego de cierto vinculo y relacion muy estrecha con los artistas emergentes incluso ocasionalmente algunos le trabajaron en el taller como asistentes lo que se tradujo en algunos de ellos que comenzaron a trabajar temas y recursos que el maestro Mildan manejaba tales como: " transparencias , El colorido sepia y ocre, El manejo especulativo del oleo, El neo-paisajismo , la neo-figuracion" Tal vez este aporte ayude a aclarar El agua y podamos ver Los peces. Fui testigo y alumno, Le conoci apenas a mis 9 años de edad y fui su asistente ocasional del maestro Mildan . Hoy le rindo respeto y espero que no apeguemos esa luz que junto a Elbano Mendez Osuna encendieron en Tovar Venezuela Ruben Molina Mildan painter Does it have a painterly character or not? To define whether an artist configures a language, it is first pertinent to inquire into the source from which he drinks. It immediately denotes a great influence from Marc Chagall and Hector Poleo which will always have as a reference the human figure That gives a certain character to his work in addition to the contribution that Mildan adds with the theme of transparencies . The teacher's fondness for the Joaquin Trincado magnetic school brings him closer to a well of philosophical reflection on man and The transcendent always present in his work. The other determining aspect is the prolific and exclusive production over time, which characterized the master Mildan. The other aspect is its originality or the personality that is configured or what we commonly call: personal stamp A work by Master Mildan is undoubtedly very characteristic or his own. Another characteristic is the investigation or the insistence of the artist to discover alternatives in the production. It is well known that the master Mildan produced his own pigments for painting and his desire to obtain new colors with his own stamp Influence? Gender school? It is another topic that helps to suspect the scope of the artist and his language. Maybe ... in Tovar where he lived for 50 years and after a certain bond and very close relationship with emerging artists Some even occasionally worked for him in the workshop as assistants which resulted in some of them starting to work on topics and resources that Master Mildan handled such as: " transparencies, The sepia and ocher colors, The speculative handling of oil, The neo-landscaping, the neo-figuration " Perhaps this contribution will help clarify the water and we can see the fish. I was a witness and a student. I only knew him when I was 9 years old and I was his occasional assistant to Master Mildan. Today I pay respect to him and I hope that we do not attach that light that together with Elbano Mendez Osuna they lit in Tovar Venezuela Ruben Molina

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