Loving Day 2021 Exhibition

Jonewa Sandi Tamkin Karma Lush Takwa Gordon Music by Ronnie Nells (@westwisenells)

Move Forward 2021- Ancestral Ri[gh]tes

Imani Karpowich-Smith with Mixed People's History Paul Bothwell with Mixed People's History

The past informs the present, and without it, there can be no future. Knowing where you come from leads you on your way with your head held high. With no reference to yourself, you can walk through the world in isolation, directionless. For too long, Mixed people have not had a communal history to help us understand our experience. Our stories have been invisible, leaving us unaware of each other’s presence. But, we have always been there; we just haven’t been seen. Mixed People’s History proudly presents Ancestral Ri[gh]tes, a project that establishes a foundational history for Mixed people from all backgrounds to connect our unique experiences and give agency over our intersectional identities. This is an expression of our right to have ancestral rites. The six ancestors presented in this first iteration were all community servants. From 1579 to 2020, these artists, activists, trailblazers, outsiders, and saints fought for their own. Reexamining their stories reveal how they have been diminished or romanticized within historic monoracial constructions. We are piecing together their invisible history as our own. This project serves to memorialize these heroes that have served both their communities and ours.

Loving Day 2022 Exhibition

Alex Merchant (NY) Jonewa (Africa) Sandi Tamkin Tawka Sharif Karma Lush Michael Hermogeno

This is a celebration of Love and Mixedness for Loving Day 2022. Created for the Multiracial Association of Southern California.