Marco Sacchi Marco Sacchi

NOVEMBER 07, 2022

Tribute to Jimi Hendrix, mixed media 72"x48"x2" on 13oz canvas. Each piece in my "tribute Collection"is a representation of a feeling or action that i experienced, that's allowed me to to pursue my dreams and escape a life that no longer served me. This Collection has been created to inspire others to take action where they feel they need too. Every piece has quotes from the artist i painted that resonate and it's closer to my heart, and wanted to share it with an audience so that they can experience, relate and make a difference in their life as it did in mine. Hope you love my work as much as i did in creating it. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace"


Marco Sacchi Marco Sacchi

NOVEMBER 07, 2022

Tribute to Joaquin Phoenix, mixed media48"x36"x2"on a 13oz canvas. Each piece in my "tribute Collection"is a representation of a feeling or action that i experienced, that's allowed me to to pursue my dreams and escape a life that no longer served me. This Collection has been created to inspire others to take action where they feel they need too. Every piece has quotes from the artist i painted that resonate and it's closer to my heart, and wanted to share it with an audience so that they can experience, relate and make a difference in their life as it did in mine. Hope you love my work as much as i did in creating it. "It take nothing away from a human to be kind to an Animal"


Marco Sacchi Marco Sacchi

NOVEMBER 07, 2022

Tribute to Mark Twain, mixed media 48"x36"x2". Each piece in my "tribute Collection"is a representation of a feeling or action that i experienced, that's allowed me to to pursue my dreams and escape a life that no longer served me. This Collection has been created to inspire others to take action where they feel they need too. Every piece has quotes from the artist i painted that resonate and it's closer to my heart, and wanted to share it with an audience so that they can experience, relate and make a difference in their life as it did in mine. Hope you love my work as much as i did in creating it. "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"