Andrey Lyssenko

Andrey Lyssenko

About The Artist

Andrey Lyssenko, artist in third generation, was born 1974 in Family-Dynasty of professional artists. Moscow. Russia. Main art teacher was Andrey's grandfather- A.G.Lyssenko (1916-2000) famous painter, continuator traditions of world-famous artists- I. Hrabar, B. Yoganson, A. Lentulov, S. Gerasimov. A.Lyssenko graduated from General Moscow High Art School (Lyceum) named by Tomsky in 1992. Workshop of prof. A. Baranov. Graduated from General Moscow Fine Art Academy named by V.Surikov 1998 with diploma of professional artist and high art-historian education. Workshops of proff. A.Danylichev, J.Shatsky, Y.Grishenko, L. Shepelev. Since youth age A. Lyssenko has traveled to Europe and studied world art. After Accademy he trained and increased his skills in Italy. By the invitation of philanthropist. Andrey Lyssenko has more than 100 exhibitions and shows- personal, regional, local, foreign and international. Andrey Lyssenko has many awards and diplomas from the Academy of Fine Arts of Russia and international Foundations of supporting art. Also many publications in art- catalogs, art magazines, newspapers of art, many TV channels interviews and shows. Main stream of Andrey Lyssenko art is Historian scene composition. Also he creates conceptual portraits, landscape composition, plein-air concepts, art-critic, art-historian articles and art remarks for magazines, art-books, blogs. His personal art-style is mix of traditional academician European-Russian realism, impressionism, expressionism, abstractionism. Art of Andrey Lyssenko is available in state museums of Russia and Italy. Also in private collections of USA, Canada, France, England, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Germany, Montenegro, Austria. Artist Andrey Lyssenko especial own world vision with program of Freedom and Independence of professional art, world wide artists and culture persons communication and positive dialogue.