Jorge Namerow

Jorge Namerow

About The Artist

Contemporary painter Jorge Namerow has emerged as one of the most intriguing young artists working today. His work blends the classical ideals of figurative painting with a unique style. Originally from San Juan Puerto Rico, his desire to create, eventually delivered him to New York where he studied and completed a Masters at Pratt Institute in Communication Design. Jorge Namerow achieve an innovative sense of the figure within diversely colored compositions. Merging introspection and visual spectacle, Jorge Namerow personal investigations of the figure, spirituality and abstraction possess the power to transform today’s ideals of elegance and sensuality. The process of transforming paint and other materials into images continues to compel and challenge me. Painting fills me with a sense of well-being and humility, and has proven to be a satisfying way for me to translate my visual ideas into a physical reality. I paint both what I see and what I feel—focusing on the sensation and context of my experience. I work deliberately, employing both traditional and innovative techniques, while letting the uncertain nature of painting free my hand. My paintings are finished when they are able to convey a moment or sensation of where I am, as well as what I am seeing. Artis web site: