by Lisa Ann Bonfiglio

Artwork Description


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I remember the afternoon in June of 2009 when I got a hit to paint. I was early on in my chemotherapy treatments and sometimes my energy level just wasn’t there; however this particular day something seemed very different. The voice of Spirit loud and clear paint express, bring forth what is in your heart and beyond. The only material I had to paint on was wood so I picked one of pieces that was lying on the floor in my little studio (the downstairs of my home) and sat for a moment feeling the energy of the wood. I created my sacred space where I call for my Higher Self, Beings of Light, Teachers and Guides through my I AM Presence blending and grounding until we are one. The first color on the wood was Violet soothing and transmuting, next I was guided to use masking tape in pieces in various positions on the wood, this a first for me with tape I trusted and continued in the process. The next color was orange which was painted over the tape. Orange representing our 2nd chakra as well as the color for creativity, form there I pulled off some of the tape pieces as my hands continued to be guided. I sat for a moment feeling Spirit and I as one waiting for the next step. My next color was yellow representing our 3rd charka and sunshine, the brightness in the yellow seemed to lift me into another state of consciousness and I felt so vibrant and full of energy. My fingers continued to paint on the wood purple and green and once again I amazed with movement. I sat in silence and asked “is this done” I heard “yes, we are done.” Feeling the energy looking at this beautiful creation I began to see the symbols. For example the statue of liberty in the upper right hand corner meaning freedom, the oasis off to the center a space for healing and the richness of the tree trunks another symbol of great strength. I asked the name as I always do I heard “Jungle” which made so much sense. I believe in order to experience the freedom one must experience the jungle. The energy of Jungle depicts the process of becoming free, whether one is suffering from a severe illness, lack of abundance, or toxic relationships as it all begins from within.

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