Judith Power Thomson

Judith Power Thomson

About The Artist

Formally trained at the National Art School in Sydney with further studies in Australia and South Carolina, U.S.A. A national finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Art Prize, Sydney and the Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award in Bega, taking out second prize in 2008. Finalist in the prestigious Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize in South Australia, the Berkelouw Self Portrait Prize, the Mortimore Prize and the Calleen Art Awards in NSW, Australia. Winner of two "Best in Show" awards and the recipient of the Grand Champion Prize at the Royal Canberra Show. Over the past ten years I have had several solo and joint shows and had my work published in Australian Artist Magazine, all local newspapers and magazines in Canberra, the Australian National Capital region. I paint full time. My studio is located on our small family vineyard on a beautiful 40 acre property just north of the Capital in New South Wales.