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- Картины художника Жеребило Василия
Lambada. 80?60 canvas, oil.
Crossing of measurements. 70?90 canvas, oil.
The actress. 80?60 canvas, oil.
The High mode and scarlet sail. 90?70 canvas, oil.
The Ms. ?rcheology. 60?80 canvas, oil.
Supervising. 80?60 canvas, oil
Lucky wife of the clown. 80?60 canvas, oil.
The singer. 80?60 canvas, oil.
Breeze from ocean. 60?80 canvas, oil.
The princess of circus. 80?60 canvas, oil.
In expectation of. 70-80 canvas, oil.
Every second dream. 80?60 canvas, oil.
Steve Vai - Gravity Storm 90cm-100 cm oil on canvas.
Fires of the big city. 70?50 canvas, oil.
The mysterious stranger. 70?70 canvas, oil.