Michael Moore

Michael Moore

About The Artist

As a self-taught artist I have tried all mediums at one time or another, and have arrived at acrylics as a preferred medium for wildlife paintings. Having been spurred on by the amazing works produced in acrylics by my favourite wildlife artists such as Robert Bateman, Carl Brenders and Christopher Drochon. I still use oils where the paintings need subtle colours transitions and blending and very fine detail. Also I use oils on my figurative works which I have focused on now for the last three months it gives me the control in skin texture and clothing. Since my retirement I have been fortunate that I can devote all my time to my love of painting. Each project is a new challenge and on completion the feeling of achievement is always there. My close up portrait works of animals gives me satisfaction in being able to portray their characteristics, strengths and beauty. I consider myself very fortunate that after a long career in Engineering I can now produce paintings that will give others pleasure and hopefully make them aware of the growing problems of the now many endangered species and in a small way record these wonderful animals.