by Kelvin Evans

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NOW AND THEN success is great. Entrepreneurs are awaiting at the gate. Goods are manufactured and transported, Factories are heaving they have to be exported. Canals replace the rough old roads, Many less breakages and much bigger loads. Viaducts and Aquaducts become the norm, No mud no ruts despite the storm. Railways are built for extra speed, Factories at full tilt to cater for need. Prosperity and success is on the up, Thanks to lace silk cloth and pottery cup. A downward spiral begins to occur, Cheaper goods are now made elsewhere. Jobs are lost as our factories close, Not a situation that we would have chose ! Diversification has to be the way, Leisure pursuits tourism come what may. People are employed in a different role, It has to be better than being on the dole. Goods more and more are now imported, From factories abroad that we have sorted. Jobs are scarce over here now you see, Just what does the future hold for you and me ?

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