Jeanette Obbink

Jeanette Obbink

About The Artist

Born and raised in Holland, Jeanette has been painting from an early age. She worked as a Delft Blue Pottery Painter for two years after finishing high school, then obtained her BA in arts and textile as well as a teaching degree. Two country moves later, having worked as a teacher and graphic designer, she continues to find time for her art. You can often find her behind her easel in the studio or outside with a sketch book. Jeanette lives in Paris and her work depict the surrounding area, or wherever her travels take her. She teaches art classes and her work is found in many private and permanent collections. “When I paint, I aim to create a point of harmony and peace, a breathing space in our busy lives. As a landscape artist, I paint what catches my attention, either a place that takes my breath away, or the opposite - a place to catch my breath, and as to be expected, they often coincide." You can reach Jeanette by email at