The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood

O. Yemi Tubi O. Yemi Tubi

FEBRUARY 11, 2019

“I met them all. Some were vicious and crooked. But … you saw Hollywood with their eyes — an overcrowded brothel, a merry-go-round with beds for horses.” Marilyn Monroe Many aspiring performing artists across the world moved to Hollywood with a dream to be super stars of the sliver screen but few ever walked on Hollywood’s red carpet without the scares of the fame and fortune. Looking through the window, I painted the sunset at the back the Hollywood landmark to depict the sunset of the careers and lives of many of the victims of sexual abuse in Hollywood. The picture of Marilyn Monroe was included in this painting as one of the notable victims of historical sexual abuse. In my painting, the rose symbolises the glamour and fame of a Hollywood actress and the thorns are the painful ordeals of the victims of sexual abuse.