About The Artist

Biography on the directory celebrities     Magician of the image, acrobat lights, Remy Donnadieu photograph the unknown before us and that we no longer see. Born in 1962, this self-taught successively Rémy studied art, comics, photography, writing, painting and, before getting a cabinetmaker and projectionist formations. Surrounded by a family of artists, his passion for the image, in the broad sense, it came from his meeting with the photographs of Doisneau and Brassai but also Moebius whose artistic universe and bring convey the dream. Winner of numerous awards in photography and poetry *, we find in his work the influences of various artists such as photographers Boubat, Klein illustrator but also as Bilal, HR Giger, or classics like Dali. His debut will therefore be natural in the world of comics, the Decorative, Scripture and before painting to move definitively towards photography and digital creation. In recent years, this artist, multi Arts develops his world increasingly creating dreamlike poetic universe that are reminiscent of the surrealist collages of Jacques Prévert. I try to fathom the dreams they have more dream: each creation is to see how the world of a child who would become adult face our realities. I question the dreams by showing what our world refuses to say or to do, I try to give everything related to the lightness of being, and builds our imagination.Avec my photos, I have a point to the dreamlike and the wealth of the soul. Therefore, through the dream, I explore the invisible in the visible. The photographic and digital creations Remy Donnadieu are the result of his meetings related to shows, concerts, or by his travels. So many clichés, misappropriated, subblimés to build his works. In his images, moving or not, plunge us into a charming universe, nostalgic, dreamy, vibrant colors bring to travel, dream; a poetry of the sensitive street, a different and original vision of perceptions through colors of life. It takes us from the other side of appe