by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

22 1/2" high x 24" wide "Winter" - The winter set in with a fierce command. Everything was ice cold, gray, and slushy. The city was encased in a crust of uncomfortable weather. Even the birds and squirrels were not to be seen. This city, known for its cold weather, has outdone itself this season. The temperatures were the lowest in history. Industry was practically at a standstill. Mail was not delivered, transportation, deliveries, the customs of civilized life were frozen in time. "When will it end?" everyone cried. No one knew. Not the weather forecasters, the scientists, the government, not even Susie's grandmother, (who knew everything). "We'll just have to sit this one out." Mrs. Murphy said in her rocking chair, and then repeated it because there was nothing else she could think of saying. Rocky, the hound, hunkered down and refused to go out to do his "duty", so Susie got puppy training pads for him to do his business on so he wouldn't have to freeze his feet. "Last week I had to pour warm water on his paws to unstuck him", she said to the pet store owner. Mr. Gottchalk said, "I know everyone's havin' their troubles this year." The days and weeks rolled by without change. "Soon spring'll come, then it'll get better", Grandma Murphy said, "Soon as spring comes, you'll see." But "spring" never came. Global freezing, instead of global warming, had finally set in.

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