by Dennis Dezmain

Artwork Description


10.25 x 15.0 inches

Pink Grass was created as a statement concerning woman’s breast cancer. After seeing recent medical announcements reporting the results of this tragedy, I was inspired to create a sculpture that would enhance the women’s battle against this dreadful disease. Knowing that art can and has been historically a very powerful instrument on all fronts of our society, I decided to conceive a statement. My first thought was the obvious pink visual ribbon associated with the breast cancer movement. The second conception was more difficult, as I was looking for a universal image that all people would relate to, but still being artistic. After many hours of designing and contemplating a proper form, I was suddenly enlightened with a thought concerning grass. It was universal and not a rare commodity along with being identifiable. The process continued with several tested materials, until I decided to experiment with my aluminum welding rods. I considered hammering the ends to a flattened surface which would mimic grass blades. This turned out to be successful, however, now I needed to support the grass blades and present the composition in a professional way. This was solved by using ¾ inch plywood with a series of drilled holes using epoxy to hold the aluminum welding rods in place. The surface of the plywood was painted with aluminum paint as the sides were boxed in with aluminum flat bar. The consideration to paint the grass blades was derived from the universal pink ribbon color. Again, I was faced with the choice of how much to paint, especially knowing that grass was not pink. This decision did have implications on my thought process. More testing came into play and the outcome was a rewarding effect. The upper grass blades were dusted in a pink automotive spray applied very cautiously. As a result, I was satisfied with the overall sculpture giving clarity to the mission. My desire was to create a work of contemporary art, and donate the finished work with the financial proceeds going directly to the front line. Thru research and support the dignity of all women can be assured, for they are the mothers of Earth. Thank you for your support and understanding. Sincerely, Dennis A. Dezmain

Artwork Details

Medium: Sculpture Metal

Genre: Abstract