by Alberto Thirion

Artwork Description

The mountain is sacred

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The mountain is sacred Give a long walk in the woods and intoxicate my eyes with all the beauties of the world of nature, trying desperately to absorb the splendor that is displayed at all times to what they can see. Helen Keller The offering, works in oil on canvas Alberto Thirion In a forest there are many things, there are many shades of green, there are many trees, many birds, flowers and animals, but must take care not to make noise and wind direction, if they notice your presence hide. Then only you can see some things, and not all there, especially at anocheser the forest becomes mysterious, this mystery helps increase the singing of some nocturnal birds such as the cormorant. The shadows then and reveal other things that are sometimes confused with which we carry within us, and as always happens in life, also happens even when walking through the streets of a town or a city, maybe that's why Mount at this time lends itself to meditate. When longer into the night and the sky is clear, you can see clearer and brighter, more beautiful than ever and nearby stars. The campfire with wood oak makes the best dinner, especially if the walk was long, the pinewood is not good, that is short and made a lot of smoke, the fire should last all night and if they are better coals, for prepare lunch coffee, which is so tasty. Of course the mountain is better to go alone, because then you are alone with yourself and you can see visions like this painting, which I think, is but a synthesis of nature, because it is God's work. The forest is also the great living and vivifying nature, the triumph of chlorophyll, the return to origins. Michel Tournier Sometimes when alone in the bush gives a little scary, especially when the fog comes and you can not see one meter below, or you can view a celestial atmosphere in the clouds between the earth or perhaps spooky sometimes , not the landscape itself but by the eyes that contemplate. However it is good to be on the mountain alone, you learn to master the fear always have it under control and trust yourself, I happily go to the mountain alone since I was a child, to give me courage I leaned on my rifle one Springfield Cal. 22 of 15 shots, good for 16 with one in the chamber, which made him great expansivas.un bullets rifle jammed NEVERLAND me, was a gift from my father at the age of twelve. The forest has always been closely linked to my life, that we were and are forest owners for several generations, the mother of Durango sierra, in northern Mexico, the woods are my own roots, back to my origins. Sometimes you get to the majesty of a shoal and find just a beautiful little flower that seems to welcome you, and invite you to spend the night there. But you have to look at other things to decide to spend the night there, more practical things like whether there is water, if the wind repecha to paste filled, if there where to go if it starts raining, if wood enough oak to overnight in order that sort of thing. In the forest naturally there are many minerals, many stones and some can even be beautiful, well you can even play with the animals as when I came across a beautiful red fox, was one of a beautiful coat red-burned and toyed hide and seek with me got through a cave and appeared on the other, I was unable to shoot, the better I started to enjoy the game, which certainly lasted a long time, after the game, and when he left I could understand amazed that has the reputation of being very intelligent. There were again oak forests on the slopes proud poplars, sharpening, green. In groups, and yet, each of them breathing their pride solitude, as the same HOMB Collection of newspaper articles lost Alberto Thirion

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Other

Genre: Figurative