About The Artist

Gary Scott’s sculptures range from figuration to abstraction, referencing and evoking nature and the body in challenging ways. His bronze and plaster works embody the process of making with dynamic, roughly hewn surfaces that imply the forms are vying for life or attempting to dissolve themselves. Simultaneously witty, sexy, playful and macabre, Scott’s sculptures reach, wilt, twist and tear themselves into being. References from literature, music and art history are embraced, channelled and wilfully distorted to create works that reflect desire, conflict and our ability to connect with the world. Gary Scott was born in Devon in 1964 and now works between his studio in Englefield Green, Surrey and Cornwall. His work has been widely exhibited including at ING Discerning Eye, the Cork Street Open, KPMG’s Canary Wharf headquarters and can be seen in the gardens at Waterperry House, Oxford. Scott has undertaken a number of commissions including the memorial sculpture ‘Free Spirit’ now situated in the heart of St Ives in Cornwall and publically visible. Selected for the 'Secret Art Prize' Winners Show at the Curious Duke Gallery, London 2015. In 2013 he won the Art Academy’s Mixed Media Sculpture Prize and was shortlisted for the Threadneedle Prize. Gary was awarded two artists residencies at Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall (2012 & 2013).