About The Artist

In my current digital work I seek to reduce industrial and architectural forms to their primitive building blocks, most often cubes and spheres, and write software programs that construct 3D images using these fundamental forms. The viewer observes virtual “scenes” that might be the insides of machinery, buildings, or abstract sculptures. I seek to represent these somewhat familiar, somewhat foreign scenes as aesthetically beautiful. I think of my work as exploring the connection between the orderliness of mathematics and the beauty of nature. Natural laws are described in the language of mathematics, and art is often said to imitate nature. So to me, art, nature, and mathematics seem deeply connected. In my work I aim to produce an immediate visceral reaction in the viewer that requires minimal engagement of the intellect. After decades of work as an administrator and software developer I’d rather make people smile than make them think! All of my works may be viewed at my web site: www.davidrosedigitals.com