Bauhaus in Tel Aviv, 70 x 120
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 1, 130 x 50
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 2, 130 x 50
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 3, 120 x 80
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 4, 120 x 60
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 5, 120 x 80
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 6, 120 x 80
Bauhaus in Tel Aviv - 7, 120 x 80
Defferent people - 1, 70 x 130
Defferent people - 2, 100 x 140
Defferent people - 3, 100 x 140
Defferent people - 4, 130 x 60
Defferent people - 5, 100 x 130
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 1, 50 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 2, 120 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 3, 120 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 3, 120 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 4, 120 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 5, 120 x 70
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 6, 120 x 80
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 7, 120 x 80
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 8, 120 x 80
Tel Aviv. Soul and memory - 9, 120 x 80
About the sea - 1, 100 x 130
About the sea - 2, 100 x 130
ar24, 40 x 60
ar25, 25 x 40
Ballet, 70 x 80
Child and angel, 60 x 70
Childbearing, 100 x 70
City noise, 50 x 60
Deletion, 60 x 100
Essence, 100 x 150
Fishermen, 50 x 90
Free fall, 130 x 100
Game, 50 x 60
Heat, 140 x 60
In the theater - 1, 110 x 190
In the theater - 2, 110 x 190
In the theater - 3, 110 x 190
Life duting the war, 60 x 160
Metamorphosis, 110 x 190
Pass through, 140 x 60
Prophetic dream, 60 x 100
Rain in the city - 1, 120 x 80
Rain in the city - 2, 120 x 80
Raven, 100 x 60
Red garnet, 100 x 65
Seed, 100 x 65
Sex by the sea, 60 x 120
Solar wind, 110 x 60
Tree, 140 x 60
Two angels, 100 x 200
Windy outing, 100 x 200