A Dog's Life

Michael J Duke Michael J Duke

MAY 31, 2018

This started off purely because I was wondering what goes through a dog's mind? What is he or she thinking? They certainly have great facial expressions which I have not seen on other animals. My fascination grew and I started taking photographs (when possible) of dogs in different situations. This has ended up in an exhibition in North London with the title 'A Dog's Life' with each image titled with what I reckon is going through the dog's mind.

Life After Coffee

Michael J Duke Michael J Duke

APRIL 03, 2017

In going through my travel images, I find that there is always a common thread. Each day on my travels takes three planning stages always in a cafe. I always take a shot from inside the cafe looking out onto the street of where-ever I am and now I have enough for an exhibition. Instead of my wild multi-colored, multi-effect images, this series is a lot more subdued in treatment. I have decided that the subject matter should be witnessed with a fun adjustment level but not to the point of distracting from the subject. Coffee in location. From California to London. From Isle of Wight to Vienna. Obervart to Rome and Caligari to Tel Aviv and a few other places for good measure. The end result is to be displayed in the Cafe of the Phoenix Cinema in East Finchley (London) in September 2017 on a first leg of what I hope to be a travelling expo.

Finchley Stylized

Michael J Duke Michael J Duke

APRIL 30, 2016

I have had the pleasure of exhibiting at the Phoenix Cinema - London's oldest independent cinema which is also a gallery and cafe. My exhibition was of the various happenings and life in the locality that I have captured with my camera and worked on to artistic effect. This was the first exhibition I have had showcasing this particular style of photographic treatment - and now I can guage how to move forward to my next project