Eduardo Henriques

Eduardo Henriques

About The Artist

COINS IN ART BELIEVE IT OR NOT The largest collection in the world Coins in Art Amazing, Bizarre, Unbelievable UNIQUE IN ALL WORLD 3 GUINNESS RECORDS The new way of creating art One of the world’s finest collections. Containing thousands of coins. This magnificent coin collection covers the history of the most countries in this planet. The handicraft consist in murals with a background oil painting and concluded in the shapes wished by the author with the gluing of thousands of coins from almost the entire world, values, colours and metals. A true treasure. The history of the world in money (coins.) The main theme is the sea, the Caravels, the discoveries and the fragment of the history from this planet. Botanical garden Made with coins from around the world Applied to oil painting by collage system These works represent part of the richness the navigation of Portugal to the all world gave to world. Because of the Portuguese navigation the world began to have more knowledge of medicinal plants and exotic The world, people, culture the value of each country. Recorded in coins. The inimitable images are showed in the brilliant multi-coloured combination never before imagined. Splendour and beauty. Three of these murals have been previously honoured with the accredited Guinness Book of Records.