About The Artist

Hervé Bindefeld (Paris) called " Hv " Website : www.hvphotographe.com YouTube 5 minutes Movie (Search for " Hv photographer ") BIO Photographer since the adolescence, a life in 4 stages : photographer, then doctor, then doctor photographer, then " photographer resuscitator of sculptures ". I take my pictures from street sculptures, element of architecture or element of nature, and realize a work of staging, " to make the inanimate come to life ". I begin stories, working on the gaze, the visual language, the image and the imagination, proposing " unfinished " works signed by " Hv ". (in French, Hv is pronounced " HEV = achevé " means finished) EXHIBITIONS Paris, Deauville, Madrid, Florence, Venise, Bruges, Bruxelles, Monaco, Saint-Pétersbourg, Tel Aviv, Miami, New York, Séoul, Pékin...