Eleni Nakopoulos

Eleni Nakopoulos

About The Artist

I am an Australian artist based in Sydney. In my work my aim is to challenge the complacency in the way we see things and create a sense of wonder in what can be achieved by the simple use of line and colour. The direction of my work is toward the use of line to create form. As my brush travels around a face or a trunk of a tree or whatever the subject matter might be, the line may catch a bump or a shadow and immediately its direction and structure changes to accommodate what it meets, revealing a characteristic that is typical of the subject. This technique of multiple overlapping lines seems to change organically as the challenges appear for each body of work, taking me into unchartered territory and is revealing the everyday in a new light. Biography. Exhibitions. 2015. Finalist - The Mosman Art Prize 2014. Solo Exhibition, Finalist - Sulman AGNSW 2013. Solo Exhibition 2012. Finalist - The Mosman art Prize 2010. Solo Exhibition Bibliography 2015. Art Ascent Magazine - Distinguished Artist – Theme: 'Unknown', Art Ascent Magazine - Silver – Theme: 'Still Life.' 2014. Kogarah City Council Cultural Plan Magazine Cover. 2006. 'Waterlemon' By Ruth Ritchie - Book Cover - 'Lemon.' Press. 2014. Whim, 2SER Radio, Sydney Morning Herald, Art Hub, Art Month, Sydney Art Galleries and Art Community, What's on Sydney, Australian Arts Review, FBI Radio, Mosman Daily. 2010. Mosman Daily, Open Gallery; Sydney Morning Herald.