Kendra Michelle Profumo

Kendra Michelle Profumo

About The Artist

I grew up as an only child always feeling very different from everyone. I think we can all relate to that to some degree, and this is where my energy for my artwork originated from. Even though I was well liked, I felt so alone, and I soon realized I could release this insurmountable energy by simply picking up a pencil and drawing. I taught myself to sketch by slowly connecting very vague lines until a form would emerge into an image that I could be proud of. Soon, I became fascinated by graphite which seemed to invite my drawings to come to life. As I grew up, I became intrigued by other cultures with a particular interest in Asian Styles. I studied their artwork, and by my twenties I was painting my own interpretation of Asian design intertwined with my love for the people. My artwork and desire to adopt (from being a lonely child) lead to me to adopt two daughters from both China and Japan. Their essence and my love for them propels me to continue my Asian inspirations in my own work. Of course, the influences of the fathers of art such as Van Gogh also inspire me to incorporate a sense of proud admiration. One day I hope to dabble back to my graphite drawings to find that magical place I once hid in as a child. But for now I will relax into my paintings, a world that I hope you can both enjoy or even identify with.