by Elizabeth Miller McCue

Artwork Description

A Walk in the Garden

0.0 x 0.0

Maquette: Wood, Wire, Plastic, Foil Proposed Installation Medium: Cast and Fabricated Patinated Bronze Maquette: 7 x 22 x 12; Scale: 1" = 1' Proposed Site Specific Dimensions: 84 x 264 x 144 [inches] Installation: Suspended from the Ceiling; Weight: 2,000 lbs. A Walk in the Garden was chosen as one of the five semi-finalist designs for DC Creates Public Art, the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities' Suspended Sculpture Installation for the new St Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC. The commission was awarded to a Washington, DC-based artist. For the composition, I chose imagery that would bring one of the joyous sides of nature to the clinical hospital atmosphere - an open linear structure of a very colorful butterfly bush complete with butterflies, leaves and flowers containing an interior LED lighting system. I felt that the multiple stages of the butterfly's life - its metamorphosis from cocoon, chrysalis to beautiful butterfly – would have powerful patient identification, mirroring the patients' delicate transition from sickness and frailty to strength, emergence and rebirth.

Artwork Details

