About The Artist

EA was born and brought up in Pakistan and now based in Dubai, UAE since 2008. She holds a Masters degree in International Relations and also studied Fine Arts and Graphic Design. Her artwork features abstract, contemporary and landscape art juxtaposed against people and everyday objects. Each of E's artwork have its own voice, ranging in tone and choice of colors and tend to reveal a different more artistic side of the world. As a child E has been in awe of nature and its splendor and she would usually spend hours in its presence. She fell in love with the subtle ebbing and flowing of mother nature and its ability to capture our imagination, instill calm and breathe wisdom into us. This fascination later blossomed into a passionate hobby and profession. She has exhibited her work in many local and international exhibitions including World Art Dubai 2016, Index 2016, UNESCO Beirut Exhibition 2016 (Lebanon), The Hotel Show 2016, Synchronicity 2016, Against the Tides 2017, Women Empowerment (Dubai Cares) 2017, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Newyork JAN, 2018, International Watercolor (IWS) Pakistan "Pearls of Peace" 2018, (RAK) Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival 2018, International Watercolor (IWS) UAE 2018, upcoming project Fabriano Italy March 2018 and etc. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com// Instagram: https://www.instagram.com//?hl=en Twitter: @E3