Lilian Berg

Lilian Berg

About The Artist

I live in my Art and I hope for peace in the world. But untill now that seems to be fiction. So I decided to create my world of illusion, what appears to be a major challenge. My idea´s and expression are about global warming, people and animals in metamorphose and movement. Emotionally and abstractly worked out in images as gletcher, polarbear, ocean, soldiers, people. You could call it abstract figuration. The geometric form gives a transparancy and depth in the painting. A window into another world. I started to Paint and Draw in 1981 till 1984 at the Rietveld Academie . Didn’t find what I was looking for at the Rietveld and followed from 1984 different workshops in sculpture and drawing. I Practized a lot of modeling drawing in ateliers of Anton Assies. From 1993 I was showing and selling my artworks in my galerie and atelier in De Nieuwe Hoogstraat 5 in Amsterdam. From 1994 -2001 Art Yard was representing and selling my works to companys. From 2003 untill 2009, I lived most of the time in Spain. Painting, exhibiting, traveling and communicating with the local people. Meeting new artist-friends and having expositions in capitals like Antequera, Madrid, Valencia and Málaga. Since 2010 back in Amsterdam working on different projects. I like to be busy and explore various materials as painting icm with stone or bronze ! For the extra dimension !