
Barbara Pazzaglia

Phantasy is very important like James Hillman write.


Barbara Pazzaglia

Nature is my origin like Stiegler write. The contemplation of nature have Greek origin. All the Philosophers, Psychiatryes and Psycanalisties love the nature. In this period with the covid 19 the Nature was rigenerate. I appreciated this phenomenon.


Barbara Pazzaglia

In Art there is confusion as Nicolas Bouriaud write. Nature the primary font of ispiratin is contamined. Aesthetic is the Nature. Umberto Galimberti write in a book about Nature on the philosipher Heidegger.It is necessary an infinite differentation as Karl Jaspers write. All the Philosophers and Psicologists and Psychiatrics and Neurologists and Pycanalists write about the differetiation. James J Gibson write about an Ecology Vision.


Barbara Pazzaglia

The Compact Art is necessary in this storic moment because there is Fragmentation.


Barbara Pazzaglia

Barbara Pazzaglia

Barbara Pazzaglia


Barbara Pazzaglia

Rigidity is a Psychiatric Problem. Fichte write about this.


Barbara Pazzaglia


Barbara Pazzaglia

Sincronicity like Carl Gustav Jung write is acasual vision of a natural phenomena. It is product affect.


Barbara Pazzaglia

Neurology, evolutive Forms for the Brain. Oliver Sachs, Gerald. M. Edelmann., Francis Crick and others.