by Angel Diaz

Artwork Description

Boys II

0.0 x 0.0

Multimedia on Canvas 48” X 52”, 2" — 1998 During the nineties, world hunger, poverty, and child abuse in African countries have been a heavily covered subject in the media. Aid for Africa and for the poor became an easy accessible commodity for celebrities and some media groups to gain immediate national and international exposure for their products. Fundraising events, came to life all over our society shadowing and forgetting the very needs of the children they were meant to help. The central message of this image is embodied in a number of symbolic numeric equations of multiples of 4 and 6, as well as geometric formations of squares and circles. The numbers 4 and 6 symbolizing stability and harmonious balance. There are 3 pairs of images in the composition: 2 children, 2 pots and 2 cherubim. The aerial perspective is purposely used to give the viewer a sense of intimacy while still maintaining distance from the subjects. Sitting on top of this perfectly square canvas are two light skinned Cherubim. They crown the image and appear to be like night watchmen guarding the sleeping innocents below. The children sleep on a hard, decrepit tiled floor after what appears to be a feast. They wear similar garments of opposing colors. Their curled bodies fill most of the central part of the surface and appear to be peacefully at rest, oblivious to the observer. We the onlookers stand aside and do nothing. On the bottom part of the square are 2 almost empty pots. One pot is larger and less full than the other. The large one sits on the right side and is grasped by one of the children, and appear to be empty. The purpose of this image is to bring awareness to the social issues of world hunger, poverty and child abandonment that are widely covered by the media, yet overlooked.

Artwork Details

