Dominique Dennery

Dominique Dennery

About The Artist

After discovering sculpture quite by accident, while shaping figurines with her young son, Dominique Dennery registered at the Ottawa School of Arts (OSA) in 1992, where she explored clay as a medium and learned to cast in cement. She continued to experiment with form and materials until 2007, when she returned to the OSA to study with Artist and Sculptor David Clendenning, and cast her first bronze sculptures. Dominique lived in Sri Lanka from 2009 to 2011, where she studied with Professor Sarath Chandrajeewa, PhD, in an intensive program culminating in her first solo exhibition Root Identity in Colombo in June 2011. Since her return to Canada, she has attended intensive sculpture workshops with Master Sculptors Philip Farault (New-York State) and Rosemary Breault-Landry (Ottawa School of Arts). She has been invited to participate in a number of group exhibitions including the National Capital Network of Sculptors annual Show Dimensions (2012, 2013 and 2016), Figureworks (2012 and 2013), Black History Month TD Canada Trust 2014 “Merci pour les souvenirs” held at the Fritzi Gallery (Ottawa) and SCVLPTVRE 2015 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. In 2015, the Haitian Embassy to Canada along with Ottawa-Gatineau community leaders commissioned Dominique to sculpt a bronze bust of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, founder of the Haitian nation. This bust now stands on permanent display in Gatineau City Hall as part of the city’s permanent collection in the Hall of Nations - Maison du Citoyen. Dominique Dennery is a member of the National Capital Network of Sculptors and of BRAVO. Her professional experience includes facilitation of intercultural group dynamics and coaching individuals to reach their full potential. She holds a Masters of Arts (French Literature) and is a certified Management Consultant, Facilitator and Coach. Dominique lives and works in Canada, and regularly spends time travelling the world for inspiration. She is passionate about sculpting legends from her native Haiti and the many countries she has explored.