annunziata orsini

annunziata orsini

About The Artist

Annuziata Orsini was born in Naples, Italy and it was there that this self taught artist developed a love and passion for the arts! At age 4 she creatively worked with pencils and astounded all that recognized her abilities. It was at age 12 when she was introduced to watercolors and at this juncture she realized the desire to incorporate as many colors into her work as possible, which is representative of her masterful paintings today. Annunziata creates with many mediums yet frequently works with acrylic paint. To see her joyous and colorful paintings is to love them! Annunziata has exhibited her work in numerous group shows both at home in Italy as well as in several other countries. Her one-woman shows have received notable acclaim from critics and the public alike. She holds the honor of Academic Benemerito from the Academy G. Marconi. Maria participated in the 1983 exhibition, Naples per Totò. In the same year, she donated some paintings for the benefit of the Italian Association against Leukemia. A true renaissance woman, Ms. Orsini has also enjoyed the pursuit of literary and scientific studies, graduating with an advanced degree in mathematics. She went on to enjoy a distinguished educational career teaching Analytic Geometry to the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples for many years and later chairing the department of mathematics instruction and physics in the advanced secondary school. 2012 1) Her paintings took part to the 20 th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of Naive Art award "Lorenzo Prato", April/May 2012. Inclusion in the Catalogue of 20th Exhibition. 2) Her paintings took part to the “ 42 ° International Naive Prize "Pierantonio Cavalli", August/ September 2012. Her painting "MOMENTS OF REFLECTION" was the winner of a silver cup. 2013 1) Her paintings took part to the “21°International Exhibition of Naive Art”, May /June, 2013 in Mandria di Chivasso, Torino, Italy. 2) Her paintings took part to the “6th World Festival of Naive Art” in Katowice, Poland, from June, 14 to August, 18 2013. 3) Her paintings took part to the Biennial Naïve Art show at Musée d’Art Spontané (Bruxelles), from August, 16 to September, 7, 2013. 4) Her paintings took part to the 43° Edition of International Price of Naive Art "Pierantonio Cavalli", in Varenna, on Como lake, Italy, during August/ September 2013. 5) Solo exhibition at the gallery "Librairie Desmos" - Paris (France), October 7 to 13, 2013. 6) She was the winner of the 1° prize in American Art Awards 2013 for the category naive. Winning work "Kites". 7) She was the winner of the 5° prize in American Art Awards 2013 for the category naive. Winning work "Harvest Festival". 2014 • Participation in the 4th RENDEZ-VOUS DES ARTISTES Naifs, EXPOSITION DE VERNEUIL / AVRE, France, from April 26 to May 18, 2014. • Participation in the “EXPOSICION INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE NAIF” at the BCM ART GALLERY of Barcelona, Spain, from April 4 to May 3, 2014. • Participation in the 22nd INTERNATIONAL REVIEW Naive Art, Mandria di Chivasso, Torino, Italy, from May 16 to June 8, 2014. • Participation in the 44th edition of the International Prize of Naive Art "Pierantonio Cavalli", Varenna, from 23 August to 14 September 2014. Opera Rewarded: "Market in the shadow of the Empire." • Partecipation in "EUROPE en ARTS» à CARCASSONNE, France,from August 22 to September 6, 2014. Participation in "Naive et Singulier", Biennale Internationale d'Arts 2014 Saint-Junien, France, from August 2 to 21 September 2014. Posted in Exhibition Catalogue with opera, full page. 2015 • Participation in the 5th RENDEZ-VOUS DES ARTISTES Naifs, EXPOSITION DE VERNEUIL / AVRE, France, May/June 2015. • Her paintings took part to the 23ª RASSEGNA INTERNAZIONALE di ARTE NAÏVE, Mandria di Chivasso, Torino, Italia, from May 1° to 31 2015. • Her paintings took part to the 45° Edition of International Naïve Art Price “Pierantonio Cavalli”, Varenna, Italy, from August 22 to September 13, 2015. • Partecipation (after selection)in « Les Eur-open-Art » à CARCASSONNE, France, Agosto / Settembre 2015. • Her paintings took part to the contemporary art exhibition “On the wings of love”, in Royal Palace of Caserta, Naples, Italy, on October 2015. • One woman exhibition at the arts center “Contropiano”, Afragola, Naples, Italy, October 2015. • One woman exhibition at the arts center “Club House Artisti”, Pollena Trocchia (NA), from December 6 to 12, 2015. • Inserimento in Catalogo di Arte Moderna “L’Elite new - Selezione Internazionale d’Arte” anno 2015. • Inserimento (con quotazioni e pagina intera a colori) in “L’Elite new - Selezione Internazionale d’Arte” anno 2016. The painting " Harvest Festiva", winner of the 5th prize in "American Art Awards 2013, was acquired by the International Museum of Naive Art of Magog, Quebec, Canada. It 'was defined by the Museum's Acquisition Committee "Great quality work, a true museum piece." It is part of the Museum's collection and it has been published on the Museum homepage. 2016 1)The painting "Supplies pic up" partecipated to the International Art Competition "Epifania 2016", in “Eustachi” art gallery, Milan, Italy, on Genuary2016. It is the winner of a silver cup, Special Jury Prize. 2)Her paintings take part to the IV edition of “International Naive art show in Gualdo Tadino, Museum on May 2016. 3)Participation in the 6th RENDEZ-VOUS DES ARTISTES Naifs, EXPOSITION DE VERNEUIL / AVRE, France, from April 30 to May 22, 2016. 4) Participation EXPOSICION INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE NAIF at the Art Gallery BCM ART GALLERY of Barcelona, Spain, from March 30 to April 16, 2016. 5) Her paintings take part to the 31° Chelsea International Fine Art Competition - di NEW YORK CITY - 530 West 25th Street, 10001 New York. 6) Partecipation in the 24nd INTERNATIONAL Naive Art, Mandria di Chivasso, Torino, Italy, from May 13 to June 19, 2016. 7) Her painting “Carnival” is the winner of the 6th place on American Art Awards 2016, category 26. 8) One woman art show in Salerno, Italy. 9) Art Show in Sorrento, Italy.