Pertti Matikainen

Pertti Matikainen

About The Artist

Finnish autodidact/self taught/-educated painter and photographer. Lives in Helsinki. Born in 1967. Written a book in Finnish 2017: Taidekirja(ko) - kirja taiteen tekemisen jäljillä olemisesta. Available in Amazon. Freely in English: Art Book? - A Book After Making Art. There are no pictures on cover, but inside there are them a lot. If I someday learn enough English, I'll translate it in English. There might were already one or more failure in my text here. Paints and draws typically pure and repsesentative abstract and surreal as well minimal art which is not depending of time or place (I typically don't paint or draw anything human made things) , and is some how within high feelings, emotions and spirituals (not religional). Some works are known as surreal with weird style and forms. If I would made same kind of works year after year, I Would be bored, so I try to be variable. I do not usually prodccuce long serials same kind of works (but at this moment quick abstract imaginary faces). There are some themes I go back then and now. I don't want to limit myself. There are no exact borders in my art, but I often have to be very near madness. I believe that I can't create anything great from normality. I'm not sure where am I going within my art, but I hope I'm going to be better anyway year after year. Several long period solo exhibitions in local pubs between 2003-2008 (Sam's Music Bar and Rata Pub were in Itäkeskus) here in Helsinki, Finland. Group exhibition in Colorida Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal in 2013. Other group exhibitions with Itä-Helsinki Art Club in Vuotalo Gallery 2015, Stoa Gallery 2016, Villa Tomtebo 2017 and October 2017 in Vuotalo, 2018 Stoa,Gallery. all these in Helsinki. AFIAP. "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" (Picasso) Take a closer look onto my drawings and paintings. They might look poorly out, but I'm better and more creative than ever. I don't want to limit myself. It is better there are no borders in my art... I'm repeating myself... Never knows what is coming up. Art is a great adventure where we are explorers. "You don't need to know what to do. You need to understand what you are doing." (Can you see the difference). It looks I've been silent a moment, and you're right. I broke my hand, and needed a break..., but I'm back here and everywhere. I've drawed anyway already in this year more than whole last year, and I'll continue, because I still don't see any borders, only limitations with condition and healthy... Don't limit me, because I don't do that either...You'll never know what's coming, me neither... :-) I'm explorer, observer, and try to do new things, with old method... the result is old shit, in new packet, I hope...or something like that...see you later... December 15.-happened an accident. I fallen and get bleeding brains, so my art is done for a while. I shall continue soon, but getting it higher levels takes time. Maybe years, if never happens. I try anyway.,,,,, I don't-want be an injured artist, I want to be an artist-. Handicupped for rest of life, but art goes on anyway. Maybe I publish some of them later too. I am mot leaning on old ones, and publish in future mostly or only after accident made things. Over a year has gone and it quite okay already and going better all the time. I am no good at anything else but art, anymore. Or ever been. But I get it excellent. There are not came colorful so much, but today again (28th March) a few, which are drying. My life is not done, and my art is not done. Though I am om pension now. Pension is quarantee for a some gaming money for art. Because without high sales this is expensive. And you have to pay learning money. More information: Tel. +358 45 657 1837