New website

Chris Horner Chris Horner

APRIL 22, 2018

An upgrade on my website has been processed. It displays current works and an overview into my practice techniques. Feel free to take a look -


Chris Horner Chris Horner

AUGUST 16, 2017

A recent work which introduces a collaborative feel towards painting and sculpture. Igniting themes such as mark making through mapping and new transformed properties found within the original given surface.

Ungreened Paulin

Chris Horner Chris Horner

AUGUST 08, 2017

A recent work which introduces different perceptions and functions towards painting and sculpture.

HLS Gallery International Art Competition Exhibition

Chris Horner Chris Horner

MAY 29, 2017

My art work Oil Trace, 2016 has been chosen as an artwork to feature in the exhibition. The exhibition opens on the 30th May and runs until 09th June. For more information visit

MFA Group Show - The Linear Gallery

Chris Horner Chris Horner

FEBRUARY 21, 2017

A group of 5 MFA students from The University for the Creative Arts, exhibited their latest works at the Linear Gallery. The show is a collaboration of all media including Sculpture, Digital print, Film and Performance. Artist - Chris Horner presents The Trio - Towel Trace, Plastered Trace, Liner Trace