Dominik Burckhardt

Dominik Burckhardt

About The Artist

Swiss artist Dominik Burckhardt (DOMBURCK, fo short) is born in Basel where he studies at the Basel Art Institute mastering in Art, Graphics, Photography. In the sixties he moves to the USA - to live in New York, N.Y.. Among others he exhibits at the American Institute of Graphic Arts. He works for a while in New York, then he travels the USA, Middle America, East and West Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Asian countries. Later he settles with his family in Switzerland where he continues his work and does exhibitions at numerous galleries. He succeeds in making a better living by doing commercial work as artist, graphic designer, art director, creative director for diversified clients in many commercial fields and for ad agencies in New York, Zurich, Frankfurt and Paris. Later he concentrates uniquely on his fine art career and creates elaborate art projects. The artist now lives in Zurich, Switzerland and in Umbria, Italy. The artist does paintings, drawings, photography, prints and small sculptures - using different media and techniques. Most of his work is figurative. He likes his art to express his feelings in multi-facetted ways, being drawn towards expressionistic styles in many cases. He searches for themes to be turned into distinctive art projects by exploring all sorts of facets of human individuality and condition. Many of his works are in private collections. A large selection of artworks is visible on his website