abad sandoval

abad sandoval

About The Artist

Artist of the Senses "When I look at a landsacape, I can almost smell and taste it," says Abad Sandoval, who grew up amid New Mexico's most breathtaking vitas, from the canyons of the Rio grande, flooded bt the slanting rays of the afternoon sun, to the Jemez Mountains, rising west of Santa Fe, like the spine of a prehistoric dragon." "It's impossible to open your eyes in the morning and not be inspired by new Mexico's legendary light." You feel like you are living within a painting, whose shadows and panoramas change minute by minute, hour by hour. I was born in the little village of La Cueva in northeast New Mexico, where high elevations and cooler temperatures make the region a magnet for those who savor the taste of its luscious rasberries. My local Hispanic roots go back on y father's to the 1650' and before that to Spain.